Chichester Festival Theatre: what happened next for the Bounty Mutineers

Director MaxDirector Max
Director Max
As director Max Stafford-Clark says, everybody knows about the mutiny on the 
Bounty: “But nobody really knows what happens next.”

It’s an omission he’s putting right with the world premiere of Richard Bean’s new play 
Pitcairn in Chichester’s Minerva Theatre (until September 20): “It’s the missing piece in the jigsaw that we are restoring,” Max says.

It’s 1789, the year of the French Revolution and the Bounty mutiny. After overthrowing Captain Bligh, Fletcher Christian drops anchor at the remote island of Pitcairn in the southern Pacific. He plans to establish a society of equals with his fellow sailors and their Tahitian followers. But it’s not long before hopes of a new Eden turn to brutal dystopia.

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