The complete guide to GCSE results day

It's that time of year again as the GCSE results are announcedIt's that time of year again as the GCSE results are announced
It's that time of year again as the GCSE results are announced
If you're collecting your GCSE results tomorrow (Thursday August 25), the date will probably mark the first time you've ever picked up formal exam results.

The grades you get will provide you with important qualifications and help you progress onto A-levels or further study. There’s no getting away from the fact that it can be a stressful day so it’s good to be as relaxed and ready as you can.

Here is some great advice from The Student Room website on GCSE results day.

Staying calm for GCSE results day 2016

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If you’re feeling anxious about results day, getting some exercise can help clear your head. It doesn’t have to be a massive gym session - just a quick jog or a brisk walk will do the job.

Look out for what you’re eating as well. Steer clear of junk food and aim for healthy food such as nuts and veggies. It will help keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel and keep your head clear.

With the school routine a distant memory, late nights can easily become the order of the day. But it’s no fun feeling half-asleep on a day when you really need your wits about you. Try to get an early night in the run-up to results day, so your sleep pattern gets back to normal.

How to prepare for GCSE results day

On the day, make sure you pack your mobile phone so you can give your parents a call after getting your results.

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Pro tip: as you reveal your results to them, read the grades from lowest to highest. Pack a bottle of water and some tissues. Make sure you’re not running on an empty stomach, grab a bit of breakfast before you head down to school.

Decide where you want to open your GCSE results

Imagine your best and worst case scenario, and think about whether you’re happy to experience whatever ‘success’ or ‘failure’ means to you on your own or with friends.”

Some students nip off to a toilet cubicle to open their results, others rip them open in front of their friends and teachers. Everyone’s different, so make sure you’re not peer-pressured into opening your results with friends if you’re not feeling comfortable or confident.

Your GCSE grades and how much they matter

When you first look at your list of GCSE results, English language and maths are the key qualifications to look out for. Getting a C or above is great news; at least a C in English and maths GCSEs is often requested as an essential by sixth-form colleges, universities and employers.

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If you’ve missed out on the C grade, especially if it’s by a narrow margin, you’ll want to consider applying for a remark or retakes. You’re allowed to retake English and maths in November, with other subjects you’ll have to wait until the following June.

People often find there are one or two subjects where their grades have slipped a little. If that happens to you, try to focus on the positive grades you’ve got. English and maths aside, having one or two poor GCSE grades is not going to hinder you in the future.

If you’ve performed generally under your expectations, again you shouldn’t worry. If you’ve managed to get into your sixth form college of choice, then it’s time to look forward and not to dwell on your results.