This is what Eastbourne Herald readers think about sending their children back to school

Returning to schoolReturning to school
Returning to school
Eastbourne readers have had their say on how they feel about sending their children back to school.

Our lockdown survey, published on the Eastbourne Herald as well as 150 others across the UK last week, asked readers 25 questions about how the coronavirus crisis has shaped the lives, opinions and habits of people in Eastbourne - and what they’d like to see happen in the coming weeks and months.

One of the questions in the survey focused on children - asking readers whether they would feel comfortable about their kids going back to school in early June.

Today we can reveal how readers in Eastbourne answered.

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The majority of Herald readers - 40% - said they felt ‘Not at all comfortable’ about their kids returning to school in early June, with readers who felt ‘very comfortable’ in the minority - 19.37%.

On a national level, almost half - 44.7% - of respondents said they felt “not at all comfortable” with their children returning to school in early June, which is the timeframe the Prime Minister has announced for England.

Around one fifth of respondents - 19.3% - feel “not very comfortable” about the idea, with just 17.4% saying they feel “very comfortable” and 16.9% saying they feel “slightly comfortable”.

When asked which element of everyday life they were most looking forward to as restrictions ease, “your children going back to school” was presented as one of the options.

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Only 16% of readers in Eastbourne said that they were looking forward to this.

On a national level, just 16% of respondents said they were looking forward to their kids going back to school.

The most popular option was seeing family, which 77.2% of respondents nationally said they were looking forward to.

The everyday activity readers in Eastbourne are looking forward to most is seeing family with 75% of participants choosing this option, followed by socialising with friends and enjoying the outdoors.

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Tomorrow we will be publishing more results of what local people had to say in our lockdown survey.

A message from the Editor, Gary Shipton:

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