The first known photographs of West Sussex, taken by Captain Thomas Honywood, inventor of the photographic technique known as nature printingThe first known photographs of West Sussex, taken by Captain Thomas Honywood, inventor of the photographic technique known as nature printing
The first known photographs of West Sussex, taken by Captain Thomas Honywood, inventor of the photographic technique known as nature printing

First photos of West Sussex go up for auction with £50,000 to £70,000 estimate

The earliest photographs of West Sussex, taken by the inventor of the photographic technique known as nature printing, are going up for auction with an estimate of £50,000 to £70,000. The privately-owned album of pictures by Captain Thomas Honywood is described by Austin Farahar, head of Chiswick Auctions, as ‘a collection of historical importance for the nation and a rare slice of social history’.

The album includes arresting portraits of the people of Horsham, where Honywood was born, as well as buildings and surrounding landscapes of Sussex and Surrey. These 170 calotypes and albumen prints, dating from 1851, are the earliest images known to exist from the area, having been taken ten years after William Henry Fox Talbot invented the calotype process of photography. The album will be offered in the photographica sale at Chiswick Auctions on Wednesday, October 28. Visit for more information.