3 wines to complement summer dishes – and boost morale

A trio of summer winesA trio of summer wines
A trio of summer wines
Summer? What summer? Sadly, the weather this year has been distinctly below par in the UK, although probably more like the standard British summer.

After last year’s amazing weather from March through to September, we tend to think – or hope – that every year will be the same. The effects of global warming, however, have sought to bring us back to reality, no doubt increasing sales of umbrellas and waterproof jackets. Although we haven’t experienced the ‘warming’ part of the equation, we have certainly felt the effects of the upset of global weather patterns, with extreme weather hitting many parts of Europe, including the UK (yes, we are still part of Europe!).

Nevertheless, below average or not, we still have a couple of weeks left to fire up the barbie, or serve some summery dishes outside or in, accompanied naturally by a little glass of wine to both complement the dishes and give a boost to morale.

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