Baby saved from injury in Bognor public loo

A safety scare occurred after a baby narrowly escaped injury in a Bognor Regis public toilet.

Rebecca Ashwell had to react quickly after the vandalised baby changing unit in the Bedford Street conveniences collapsed when she put her young son on it.

She was able to grab hold of Jason Ashwell-Cross, who was nine weeks old, before he plunged to the hard floor along with the wall fixture.

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Her swift actions ensured that he escaped with just a small bruise on his head.

"I managed to save him hitting the floor. It could have harmed him," she said. "What happened was quite worrying."

She took him to St Richard's Hospital in Chichester for a check up. Doctors assured her that Jason would be all right after the accident. Rebecca said: "I've told all my friends what has happened.

"People should be careful when they use these units. You never know what is going to happen."

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She informed toilet operator Arun District Council last Thursdayof Jason's narrow escape. Its officials reacted by quickly removing the unit within an hour of being informed.

They also took out the baby changing unit in the neighbouring men's loo because the equipment had been damaged to such an extent that it posed a risk to any users.

The potentially serious nature of the incident has caused the district council to review all its toilets to ensure the public's safety is guaranteed as much as possible.