
Mrs Deborah Ongley, Beckley Main Street

Beckley horticultural society are holding their autumn show on Saturday 21st September. All exhibits must be delivered to Beckley village centre between 10-11am. Doors will be locked and the Judging will take place. Doors are open again at 2pm. Then you can have a look if you have won. Stay for a cup of tea, coffee and homemade treats, Ron’s raffle and then the prize giving!

Wednesday 11th September 730pm Beckley parish council meeting in the room above the hall at Beckley village centre. All welcome

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2014 will 100 years of the Great War in 1914, we are looking into the names of the Beckley men sadly killed that are commemorated on the memorial. If you have any information on these names below please contact 01797260 416.

Walter L Alexander,Albert J Bates,Reginald E Bates,Alfred C Blanche, Robert H Blundell,John T Blunt,Ernest Bryant,Arther Butler,Jesse Carter,Bert Catt,R.F Aronald Edgell,Reginald E Field,Albert Fielder, Fred Goldsmith,Hyland Harvey,Frank Mills,Edwin Phipps, Edward Playford, Charles H Scott, Albert E Skinner And George Johnson.

So that residents are aware they can contact our District Councillor Ian Jenkins via e mail. This will help the parish by giving you more immediate responses to questions or concerns.

Beckley Village Centre is available to hire. By people hiring and supporting fund raising events put on by the hall committee it will keep the hiring costs down. Why not book a Children’s party, wedding reception or conference. For further information on charges and hall bookings call Margaret Lenton 01797260420

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A list of some of the clubs, society’s, classes and groups in Beckley.

Why not join up today!

Beckley computer club 07904 837 751

Beckley Park Cricket Club 01580 830245

Beckley Baby Club every Wednesday (term time only)

9.15-11.15 £2

Aeroba-Funk. High/Low Impact Aerobics with an Old Skool Style and Mix Tuesdays 6.30pm.Emma 07809 887471

Pilates every Wednesdays 1.30pm contact Sarah Lush 07769651899

Taekwondo every Wednesdays 4.30pm contact Petra Darvill 01233 330128

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Beckley Trefoil Guild meets Third Monday of the month in the Small Hall at 7.30

Brownies Thursday 6.30pm

Table Tennis every Thursday mornings old & new members welcome Carol Cobby 01797 252382

Yoga every Friday mornings contact Evelyn Lamb 260569

Friends of Beckley Church Coffee Morning 1st Tuesday 10.30am

WI 2nd Monday 7.30pm contact Ann Jones 260527

Regular monthly Council Meetings are held in the Village Centre’s Meeting Room. Every 2nd Wednesday at 730.

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Village Lunch 2nd Thursday 12.30pm bookings Tony Bryant 260518

History Society Friday evenings contact Dennis Ward 260313

Beckley horticultural society 01797 260232

Beckley players 01797 230572

Beckley bowls club 01797 252129

Beckley Rangers club chairman Phil Brain on 01797 260513 or secretary Peter Sands on 01424 882579.

The subject of loud music has been brought up in conversations in the village. Villagers seem to be suffering especially in the summer when the windows are open. Also sound travels so you may not have any neighbours but it may be heard further than you think. No one minds the odd party, but loud music all night is just not fair on anyone. Please think about the volume before you dance the night away!

If you see anything suspicious in the village please call

PC Nigel Collins 07787 685691 or 0845 6070999.

If you want to put everything is this column, please email.