
Deborah Ongley, Beckley Main Street

Please Support tonight fund raising evening in Aid of the Village Centre. This fun Race Night is being organised for Friday 15th February 7.30pm ready for the first race at 8pm. Entrance is Free, just bring your own nibbles & drink and enjoy the evening. Spend as little or as much as you like! Please ask your friends & neighbours to come along too! Come along and have a Fun night out, we are sure that you will have a laugh or two and you may even go home with a little more in your pocket than you came with! If you require any further information please call Nigel on 260537

Sadly Beckley Guides has closed for the time being as there is no longer a Leader. If anyone thinks they would like to become a Leader, they would get a lot of support and there is a really good training programme, they can email Pam, or phone 253177 or text 07963877878

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