COMPETITION: Predict how the Harry Potter series will end and win a £20 book token

GAZETTE reporters have been trying to work out how JK Rowling will complete her seven-book series when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows goes on sale at midnight on Saturday, July 21.

Ever since the title of the final book was announced in February, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been at the top of Amazon's best-seller list.

Set to break all previous publishing records, the plot and ending of the series has been subject to feverish debate on the internet.

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Now the Herald is asking readers to join the debate and predict the plot and ending to the final Harry Potter book with the person writing the closest answer winning a 20 book token.

Entries can be submitted by commenting below, emailing [email protected] with the subject line Harry Potter, or post to Harry Potter Competition, Littlehampton Gazette, Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA, before noon on Friday, July 20.

The editor's decision is final.