Fighting back against internet fraudsters

Residents across West Sussex are being urged to fight back against fraudsters as Scams Awareness Month officially launches this week with a focus on online swindles.

West Sussex County Council’s Trading Standards Service is supporting the national month long initiative and is warning people to be on their guard and look out for others who might fall victim to scammers.

New research from the Citizens Advice Bureaux has concluded that fraudsters are “picking the pockets” of up to four million people each year.

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Fraud offences in England and Wales rose by 25 per cent in 2013, compared to the previous year, with 207,252 cases reported to Action Fraud.

Moreover, new national figures show that Citizens Advice has calculated that up to four million people could be conned each year as many scams go unreported.

West Sussex Trading Standards will look at phone scams, mail hoaxes and doorstep fraud during this month.

Lionel Barnard, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, which includes Trading Standards, said: “It’s so important that we raise awareness of scammers who prey on the most vulnerable members of our society, whether through the post, via the phone, over the Internet, email or a knock on the door.

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“Scammers employ very clever and persuasive tactics to snare their victims so it’s vital residents are made aware and are advised who they can contact to report a scam or for help if they are a victim of a scam.”

Online shopping and auction scams was the biggest single fraud type with almost 40,000 recorded cases nationally last year and WSCC Trading Standards has advised that non-secure websites asking for financial details should be treated with the utmost caution.

The council’s Trading Standards service today gave the following top tips for dealing with scams:

1. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

2. Never give out your bank details or send money unless you are certain you can trust the person contacting you.

3. Contacted out of the blue? Be suspicious.