For the love of dogs: Goodwoof festival celebrates our four-legged friends

Goodwoof will celebrate our four-legged friends (Credit: Mike Caldwell)Goodwoof will celebrate our four-legged friends (Credit: Mike Caldwell)
Goodwoof will celebrate our four-legged friends (Credit: Mike Caldwell)
The grounds of Goodwood House will be taken over by dogs this May, with the launch of Goodwoof, a new event celebrating our canine chums.

The 2020 event, on May 24 and 25, is described as ‘not just a dog show’ but ‘a canine extravaganza in the rolling fields of one of Britain’s most beautiful country estates’.

Goodwoof will feature a line-up of activities to entertain dogs and their human companions. From competitions and demonstrations to play and pampering, from trails and treats to wellness and nutrition, it will be a feast of family-friendly fun.

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Dogs have always been at the heart of life at Goodwood; the 3rd Duke commissioned the architect James Wyatt to create what we now know as The Kennels – a technically advanced building described as ‘the most luxurious dog house in the world’, which featured central heating long before Goodwood House was so-equipped. That dog-first mindset will be evident at Goodwoof, with a wealth of canine content.