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GREETINGS: Well, there we are then. August is over for this year and Autumn must be just around the corner. It is rather strange that momentum seems to be regenerating now that September is with us. Or maybe that is just because I was conditioned by the school terms. The “back-to-work” still exerts its influence even now.

CHURCH SERVICE: The 10.30 am service will be Family Communion with a Baptism, on Sunday 6th September, for the 14th Sunday after Trinity. During the coming week we celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary. September is set aside as the Creation Season during which prayers are said for the works of nature. This is a possible reason for many Harvest Festivals to happen around now. Icklesham’s Harvest Thanksgiving will be on 27th September at 10.30 am. Tomorrow, Saturday, is the Ride and Stride annual fund raising event for the Historic Churches Trust. Many churches will be open for visitors who need to collect signatures to prove that they have visited that particular church on their tour. On Monday 7th September there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 5 Villages House.

PROMENADE CONCERTS: If you are a music lover, you may feel sad that the season of Prom Concerts comes to an end tomorrow, Saturday. This is another indication that summer is over !!

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ICKLESHAM SCARECROW COMPETITION: Competition entries are beginning to appear around the village. I have seen an angel and a devil so far.There are sure to be lots more because it only opened officially last Sunday. Forms are available at the Village Store. also Judging papers. I shall wait a bit for more to appear before I go to make my choice.

WEATHER: Now that we are in September, does that mean we might see an improvement in the weather, and have an Indian Summer? That could be good. August wasn’t very good for holiday makers in England was it ? In Devon