Motorist with no licence gets court's sympathy

A MOTORIST who failed to re-apply for his driving licence after his ban was given a conditional discharge.

Ivan Green, of Cooper Drive in Bexhill, was up at Hastings Magistrates Court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to driving without a licence on May 2 this year.

Hazel Merritt, prosecuting, told the court: "A police officer driving behind Merritt's car noticed he did not have his seat belt on and stopped him.

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"He was asked whether he had a licence. A police check showed his licence had expired. Merritt explained he had been disqualified but had re-applied for it once the ban had finished.

"Subsequent checks with the DVLA showed he had not and so he was given a fixed penalty notice and his car was seized."

Green, defending himself, explained to the court that he had been suffering from severe depression and had not given much thought to it when his licence was not returned.

He said: "I am sorry this has happened. I honestly thought I had a licence.