Chichester Local Plan will ignore the will of the people

C101633-7 Chi Aerials _ Photo Louise Adams......Chichester SUS-180328-165942001C101633-7 Chi Aerials _ Photo Louise Adams......Chichester SUS-180328-165942001
C101633-7 Chi Aerials _ Photo Louise Adams......Chichester SUS-180328-165942001
I suspect like many others I read with dismay Joshua Powling's piece about the Chichester Local Plan and the number of houses proposed by the Government for this district.

I fully understand the argument about us being squeezed between the South Downs to the north and the harbour to the south but this does not mean that our precious environment should be further decimated.

Although I have voted Conservative my whole life I feel the time is right for a change. The Government appears to completely ignore neighbourhood plans that took volunteers years to produce and also the policy about allowing houses to be built in back gardens.

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I therefore think the proposed public consultation on this will just be a paper exercise that will completely ignore the will of the people.

I do understand local people will stand to gain financially from this through the sale of land and I also agree with many that genuine affordable housing is needed for our ā€“ and I stress our ā€“ youngsters but a more sensible policy must be put in place. Iā€™m sure the Government works on the Pareto principle that 80 per cent of the people although they may not necessarily agree with something will nonetheless say or do nothing.

I would therefore be grateful to learn through this paper of any political party that is more concerned for the environment than housing numbers or knows of a legal challenge that can be made and that could perhaps be used by others in other areas.

Richard Weavis, The Avenue, Hambrook