Blast off for Southwater school

Castlewood pupils visit South Downs Planetarium at Chichester. SUS-150126-130807001Castlewood pupils visit South Downs Planetarium at Chichester. SUS-150126-130807001
Castlewood pupils visit South Downs Planetarium at Chichester. SUS-150126-130807001
Pupils from Years 5 and 6 at Castlewood Primary School in Southwater had a day out of school recently when they visited the South Downs Planetarium at Chichester.

Their “Above Us and Beyond” studies were at the forefront of their minds as they reclined on Jumbo Jet seats in the Planetarium’s dome where Dr John Mason explained how to find planets, comets, constellations and meteors in the night sky.

George from Year 6 said, “I learned so much especially about the planets, stars and phases of the moon. I can’t wait for a clear night to go out and use my new knowledge”.

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Chris Noble, Year 5 teacher, commented, “It is very hard for school staff to be experts in such a broad subject as astronomy and Dr Mason’s superb knowledge enthused the children. They asked him very challenging questions but nothing fazed him!”

The children will now use these experiences to enhance their school work in their Literacy, Maths and Science lessons.

Report and picture contributed by Castlewood School.