Voting dilemma '“ broken promises

ELECTION time is here again! Who to vote for?

Promises, promises, promises. How many will be abandoned when those making them are in power?

The "rape" of Littlehampton continues '“ hospital gone, houses knocked down, infrastructure stretched, doctors and dentists trying to cope with the overload of patients.

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At present, there is another outbreak of graffiti, and streets have litter '“ cartons, cans, broken bottles.

What an attraction to visitors, or will these disappear over the summer months?

I have a book written in 1985 by an American Quaker, entitled "Money, Sex, Power" (their misuse).

Today, there are the "gods" so many worship, instead of the one true God.

Fat cats are getting fatter. Thin cats are getting thinner.

The haves had more. The have-nots have less.