Vintage cars in Horsham carfax on Boxing Day.Vintage cars in Horsham carfax on Boxing Day.
Vintage cars in Horsham carfax on Boxing Day.

Annual Boxing Day vintage car parade in Horsham: In pictures

On Boxing Day, Horsham Carfax had its annual parade of vintage cars after making their way from Slinfold.

The event, held every December 26, had a fantastic collection of steam and motoring vehicles.

Sam French, entrepreneur of Sam’s Kitchen, said: “Sussex is an amazing place to live and there are many things that make it special. Part of what makes it so special for me is it’s vintage community of people and their collections. We are world class in the vintage world in Sussex from cars to steam and everything in between.

“It attracted the largest ever crowd I have ever seen! With the young and young at heart having their photos taken in front of these mechanical marvels making memories that will last a life time.”