Beat the Street game is returning to Eastbourne to keep everyone active

People of all ages are invited to ditch the car and get active as Beat the Street Eastbourne gets underway in the town on September 16.

Beat the Street is a free, interactive game that encourages people of all ages to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives.

The seven-week physical activity game will launch the Eastbourne Walking Festival from September 18 to September 27.

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The game was previously played across the whole of East Sussex where players travelled more than 230,000 miles for each competition, but this is the first time that Eastbourne has exclusively enjoyed the game.

Once again, beeping and flashing sensors called Beat Boxes will be placed on lampposts around the area for the duration of the game which will take place until November 4.

Primary school pupils will be provided with fobs while parents and teachers will receive a card from the school so they can accompany children.

The wider community can pick up a contactless card from one of 10 distribution points which will be decided closer to the game’s launch.