School will stay as polling station against the wishes of teachers and parents

A headteacher is '˜extremely disappointed' councillors voted to keep using her school as a polling station forcing it to close on election days.

Crawley Borough Council general purposes committee met last Wednesday (November 27) to vote on a series of changes to the town’s polling stations, including The Brook School, which is one of two in Maidenbower. Parents and teachers wanted the council to look at other options for election days to avoid its closure.

Conservative ward members Cllr Ken Trussell and Lenny Walker, and the town’s MP Henry Smith, were not in favour of reducing the number of polling stations in the neighbourhood to one.

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Mr Smith said: “I would caution against combining all polling for Maidenbower (LHA and LHB districts) at the Community Centre off Harvest Road as I believe this would lead to a reduction in turnout from the south of the ward, given the distances involved.