Steam car passes first road trial

IT'S "full steam ahead" for Bexhill's ambitious project to re-create the innovative car which helped put the town on the automotive map.

As far back as 1990 when the first Bexhill 100 Festival of Motoring was held to commemorate the 1902 Bexhill Motor Trials, organisers dreamed of creating a replica of the winning Serpollet. High School and St Richards' Catholic College pupils helped with the early stages of the project, which was given its chassis, body and engine and completed by engineer Jeff Theobald.

Now the Serpollet has had its first steam trial and passed with flying colours. Bexhill 100 chairman Malcolm Mitcheson, together with colleagues Brian Hazell, Peter Mitchell-Davis and Peter Smith, were present when Jeff Theobald put the Serpollet through its paces at Hazelmere in Surrey this week.

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