Teenager avoids jail

A "THOROUGHLY dishonest" teenager who admitted handling a credit card stolen in a burglary in the town has avoided a jail sentence.

Daniel Cunningham, 18, was also found in possession of a letter addressed to the victim when police carried out a drugs raid four days later at an address in London Road.

Cunningham, of Davis Close, pleaded guilty to handling stolen goods when he appeared at Hove Crown Court.

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The court heard he has 21 previous convictions for 37 offences including burglary and taking a vehicle without consent and was made the subject of an ASBO three years ago.

Prosecutor Amy Packham told the court a burglary was carried out at the home of student nurse Kim Hopkins September 6.

She said: "Mrs Hopkins left her address in Grange Court Drive secure when she left for work in the morning with her children.

"At about lunchtime her cleaner, who had a key to the property, arrived at the house. She saw that there was broken glass on the porch floor.

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"She rang Mrs Hopkins straight away and she returned home to find an untidy search had been made of the entire house and two sheds in the back garden.

"A number of items were stolen including electrical equipment, jewellery and cash. Also stolen was a credit card and a letter addressed to Mrs Hopkins.

"Four days later a drugs warrant was executed at an address in London Road in Bexhill.

At that stage a search was conducted of the premises.

"A Mr Perry opened the door but Cunningham was in one of the bedrooms. When a search of that room was conducted police found a coat hanging on the door.

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"In the pocket of the coat was a Nationwide account credit card in the name of Mrs Hopkins.

"That was seized and also in that pocket was a letter in relation to an Internet password that was addressed to Mrs Hopkins - both proceeds of the burglary.

"The coat was seized and when asked whose it was Cunningham replied, 'It's mine'."