
Telscombe newsTelscombe news
Telscombe news
COUNCILLORS SURGERY: First Saturday of each month from 10am to 11am at the Civic Centre. No appointment necessary. Come along and see your local councillors.

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: Telscombe Residents’ Association meet on the first Thursday of each month from 7.15pm to 9.15pm in the Civic Centre. Email the secretary at [email protected] for a copy of the meeting agenda.

SUPPORT GROUP: Breast Cancer Support Group meeting on the first Wednesday of each month from 1pm to 3.30pm in the Civic Centre. Contact email [email protected]

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CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU: Drop in advice surgery on the last Tuesday of each month from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Advice can also be gained via their website Adviceline 03444 111 444

EVENING OF MEDIUMSHIP: Dorothy Young and Guest Mediums Friday December 2, 6.45pm for 7.0pm start at the Civic Centre. Ticket price £7, entry on the door available. Contact Dawn 07951 947709.

BINGO EVENING: Today, Friday, 6.45pm for 7pm start at the Civic Centre. Eight games played for £4, plus an additional Snowball (50p per single ticket) and Flyer game (£1 a sheet). Free cup of tea/coffee at half-time break. Proceeds to Mayor of Telscombe’s charity fund. Next date, Friday December 16 followed by a Christmas party.

COUNCIL MEETINGS: Amenities and Civic Centre Committee meet on Monday, 7.30pm. If there is insufficient business, meetings may be cancelled. Please therefore telephone the Civic Centre on 01273 589777 to ensure that the meeting is being held. Meetings are open to members of the public who are able to ask questions for a 15 minute period at the start of each meeting. Meetings are held in Telscombe Civic Centre unless otherwise stated.

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FOOTNOTES: Limping painfully down the road to the car the other day, (the dreaded gout had struck again), I heard a sound like a vacuum cleaner behind me and I was passed at speed by a very supercilious looking teenager on some sort of electric scooter and was filled with envy. How I would have loved a gadget like that when I was about thirteen. Where I lived in South West London at that time there was a small shop that had in its window a pair of gleaming metal roller skates, with brown leather straps and a price tag that was beyond my slender pocket money means. For weeks I would gaze at those skates with a love and a desire that was not to be superseded for many years. Then one day I noticed a small sign in the corner of the window. ‘Errand boy wanted for Saturday mornings only’. I shot inside and offered my services. The shop keeper looked at my eight stone, thin, five foot high frame, and declined my offer. Disconsolate, I went home and my father asked what was the matter. I told him about the skates, knowing that our family then could not afford extras like that. However, I had underestimated the bargaining power of my mother, who, upon hearing all this, approached the Trustees who were looking after the money I had earned as a young actor and which apparently nobody was allowed to touch, including me, until I was eighteen. She persuaded them to release the price of the skates and a few mornings later I awoke to find them on the kitchen table.

There followed some weeks of grazes and bruises, but I mastered them and spent many happy months zipping around the streets of Streatham. Happy times. I hope the youngster who zoomed past me on his electric version, has as much fun as I did in those far off days. Enjoy your week.

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